Soul Purpose |
“There is no such thing as chance; and what seems to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.”
Soul Purpose Astrology I used to dream as I collected my mail that there would be a letter explaining what I was doing on this earth and which of the many directions I should choose for my life. When I discovered astrology I felt I had finally received that letter. Of course to encompass a whole life with its many layers takes a complex letter and, as I discovered, a great deal of contemplation to translate it’s symbolic messages. Your Soul Purpose Astrology Report is a "Once in a Lifetime" reading. This report illuminates not only the past life themes your soul has been exploring, but also reveals the forward direction of your soul for this current lifetime. Understanding the journey of your soul is a huge source of support and guidance for this life. As Rebecca Gambles (Master Angelic Reiki teacher and medium) says: "My Soul Purpose Astrology reading has changed my life, everyone always asks "What is the Meaning of life?" and I feel like I've just been given the answer to the question. It's almost like I have been handed a blueprint for my life indicating where my weaknesses lie and why certain challenges show up time and again for me throughout my life. It has given me a greater insight into my purpose in this lifetime and where my soul needs to grow in order for me to evolve. Receiving your personal Soul Purpose Astrology Report is like receiving a map to your current life. You gain a deeper understanding of your current challenges and the issues your soul is wrestling with as it evolves and grows over this lifetime. Psychic Awakening Teacher, Anna Sayce, confirmed that simply understanding these past life influences is “hugely affirming and helps you to make sense of your life. It helps you to understand your life lessons and why you struggle in certain areas of life.” Most important of all you discover where to focus your time and attention to live fully the meaning and purpose of this life. Your Soul Purpose Astrology Report* is unique to you. I work on your report for 9 -10 hours over several days, analysing your chart, channelling guidance as to what is most important and how your themes have played out. As I write your report I translate this information into plain english to give you a reading that is easy to understand and specific to your soul’s journey. "WOW. Just wow. Jay's Soul Purpose Astrology report was incredible. I have to confess that this was the first astrology reading I've ever purchased since I'm an astrologer myself. Jay Linden blew my expectations out of the water with her adept skill of bringing a complicated astrology reading down to earth for the everyday person to understand. She doesn't use any of the technical babble that can be so hard to separate from readings. She does this seamlessly! She takes care to explain, section by section, what she's going to cover next and guides her clients through their journey of self-exploration with compassion and wisdom. Your report is approximately 4,500 words and will be sent to you in printable PDF format. *Please note an accurate birth time is important. What is covered in a Soul Purpose Astrology Report? Your Soul’s Purpose for this Lifetime: Your Soul Purpose is what gives your life meaning and a sense of direction - it is the light of your true Self - your heroic quest - your inner divinity. In a deeper sense your soul purpose can also be a redemption of past mistakes and transformation of old regrets. It is by following this path of expansion that you find your heart-fire and inner peace, the feeling of being fully alive and on track. In this part of the report you'll find out the nature of your soul purpose and the sphere of life in which it is most fully expressed. You'll also discover the personal qualities you are developing - the kind of hero or heroine you are becoming. Soul Purpose Challenges Every soul purpose contains its own challenges. These are the tests or obstacles you will meet along the journey. Sometimes you have set up tests to learn specific skills - like creating a difficult relationship in order to learn the skill of standing in your power. Some challenges are about learning to move away from old habits or overcome fears that you brought through from past lives. Some are simply the challenges you face when learning new skills as you expand into unknown territory. Often you are learning to balance two opposite ways of being, finding the middle path between extremes. Or you may be re-doing a theme, but at a much higher level. Identifying Past Lives and Karmic Themes As a soul you have chosen particular karmic themes to explore. You create a series of lives to explore all the variations until you are satisfied with the skills you have mastered, the wisdom you have gained and the compassion you have developed. In this section of the report you learn about the types of past life experiences you've been creating as well as some more specific past life examples. Karmic Influences Some of the more difficult experiences of past lives are likely to be unresolved. These influences often show up as patterns of response - fears, phobias, compulsions and blocks that hinder your ability to fully express yourself and freely follow your path in this life. Understanding these blocks can give focus to your healing work and the clarity to make different choices in your life. Of particular importance is your core wound. Often this is related to your gift or contribution. By accepting and beginning to heal this wound you release the power of your gift to this world. Skills and Personal Talents Continuity karma means you bring through skills and aptitudes that you learned in previous lives. Sometimes we focus so much on our struggles we forget to appreciate all the things we can do, all the things we are good at. What nourishes you Here you discover what is needed to give you a sense of security and safety as well as what you can do to create feelings of inner abundance and well-being. Knowing what strengthens you gives you the resources to be successful on your soul journey. Client Feedback Declan Kerr - author of “Finding Your Other Half" Kate – Christchurch, NZ Katie - Nelson, NZ Summer
Booking a session Past Life Regression Soul Purpose Astrology Mini Astro Chat Tarot-Astro Past Life Regression sessions are available via Zoom or in person. A session takes between 2 and 2.5 hours - sometimes a little longer for the first session. I work from my home in Cornwallis, West Auckland, a peaceful and resourceful setting surrounded by sea and bush. Your Soul Purpose Astrology session is a written report of 5,000 - 6,000 words. A Mini Astro Chat is a one hour conversation on Zoom. Tarot Astro combines a tarot reading with your astrology chart and is a written report of 2,000 - 2,500 words. For enquiries or bookings
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Jay's Guest Articles The Saturn Return and How it Affects You. What the Nodes of the Moon Can Reveal About Your Soul Purpose |